Subsidiary Rights
All rights and permissions inquiries should be addressed to
Foreign rights are mainly handled by the Marsh Agency in London; inquiries will be promptly forwarded. For information on territorial rights in individual titles, search our rights news.
Film/tv rights are handled by Stone Canyon Media LLC in consultation with Alexander, Lawrence, Frumes & Labowitz, LLP, in Los Angeles; inquiries will be promptly forwarded.
Please provide the information specified below.
About the content handled by the agency
→Title, author, year of publication
→Matter intended for excerption: specify page range, word count, photographs, charts, etc.
About the work you intend to create
→Title, author/editor, publisher, expected season of publication
→Projected list price
→Initial quantity and projected lifetime units (print or other copies) of planned edition
→Rights requested (e.g. reprint, audio, anthology, first or second serial); please indicate media (e.g. print/digital, audio, hardcover/paperback, e-book/database)
→Territories and term of license
→Proposed fee
Clearly indicate any proposed changes to the text.
For course use (including coursepacks), please complete the following as fully as possible
→Course title
→School and department
→Anticipated enrollment
→Cost of coursepack to students (if not free)
→Format (print or electronic); if distributed online, will materials be password-protected?
Be sure to include your contact information. Allow at least two weeks for a response.
Questions about fair use? Start by visiting (Or try Stanford’s site.)
For detailed information about copyright law, we recommend William Strong’s The Copyright Book (6th edition, MIT Press, 2014; key bits are in recent editions of the Chicago Manual of Style).