Jim Rooney’s In It for the Long Run

April 29th, 2014
Jim Rooney and friends gathered at Club Passim in Harvard Square on Thursday, May 1, 2014, to celebrate the arrival of In It for the Long Run.
 University of Illinois Press, 2014

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Jim has worked with some of the music industry’s greats, here in Cambridge, over in New York, down in Nashvilleread his reflections on time well spent with Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, and others, on his blog at jimrooneyproductions.comand now that he’s got his story between the covers, we’re starting to hear from some of his talented friends:
“Wonderful fellow with an interesting life equals great story.”
John Prine
“Without Jim Rooney’s early encouragement, I would not have a career.”
Nanci Griffith
“I know how lucky I am to have connected with Jim all those years back when I was just starting out. He always had a way of lifting us all up out of the everyday.  We never forgot that we were trying to make music that’d help people get THROUGH the everyday, but, ironically, you have to get on up out of it for awhile in order to do that.  Jim always made that possible for me.”
Iris DeMent
Visit Jim at www.jimrooneyproductions.com;
read Jim’s reflections on Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, and others, there.